Before You Create Your Account
- Step 1: Pay For and Create Your Account
- Step 2: Respond to the Required Prompts
- Step 3: Collect and List Information as Requested
- Step 4: Include Your Spouse’s Contact Information (upon submission)
- Step 5: Divorce Digitally Will Combine Both Forms Upon Receipt
- Step 6: Receive Issue Consolidated Draft
- Step 7: Respond to Questions to Reconcile Disagreement
- Step 8: Receive the Updated Draft with Reconciled Issues
- Step 9: Reply to the Second and Last Set of Question to Reconcile remaining Disagreement
- Step 10: Receive the Final Draft of the Separation Agreement with Suggested Options for Any Remaining Disagreements
- Step 11: File your Divorce Petition with the Help of a Lawyer by attaching the a Finalized Separation Agreement
- Step 12: Receive your Divorce Decree
- 1. Spouses: Each Spouse must create and pay for their own independent account.
- 2. Account: The cost for each Spouse is $179.50 (unless you have a promotion code or if Divorce Digitally is running a discount. If your Spouse is not onboard yet, use the following resource:
- a. Informing the Other Spouse: Please visit the link:
- b. Language to inspire your email or points of discussion.
- 1. Most couples are able to complete steps 1 through 10 of this app within a week if both spouses are engaged and diligently complete the steps.
- 2. Your Account will expire in SIX (6) months or on July 1st, whichever is longer as the courts will update its rules, if any, based on the laws passed in the prior legislative session of the State when and if passed.